“Leadership and learning are indispensable to each other” -John F. Kennedy

“Leadership and learning are indispensable to each other”
-John F. Kennedy


About this Talk

The concept of sustainable development remains abstract and theoretical to some business leaders. Safeguarding an organisation’s capital base is a well-accepted business principle yet organisations do not generally recognise the possibility of extending this notion to the world’s natural and human resources. At this point of time, sustainability has been influenced by various factors such as climate change, overpopulation, depletion of natural resources, scarcity of water and raw materials. The business community must address these challenges as the situation continues to escalate. To address these challenges, businesses need to be dynamic, hence, the need to develop and implement innovative strategies to cease degradation made to the environment. The need to move from the traditional linear economy to a regenerative one is urgent. If sustainable development is to achieve its potential, it must be integrated into the planning and measurement systems of businesses. For that to happen, the concept must be articulated in terms that are familiar to business leaders, which means, adopting business strategies and activities that meet the needs of the business and its stakeholders. This talk is enriched with a combination of core topics that are crucial to sustainable development in organisations regardless of the sector.

Objective of this Talk

This talk will provide participants with knowledge and strategy insights to drive behavioural change amongst business leaders, respond to calls to action as well as understand the importance of leadership as a catalyst to transition to a regenerative economy.

Benefits of attending the Talk

For business leaders to understand the importance of leadership as a catalyst to transition to a regenerative economy and encourage them to promote C-Suites collaboration in championing the way forward in sustainable development and strategy mapping.

Business leaders will be able to capitalise upon the diversity of the participants’ background to exchange ideas, opinions, experience and learnings, which is the core basis of SDG 17.

Business leaders are key in putting in place tools, processes, organisational structures and talent pipelines to support the transformation required for circular economy.

